Passing Functions as Parameters in Kotlin Made Easy

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In Kotlin, passing functions as parameters is a powerful feature that enhances the flexibility and reusability of your code. High-order functions, which we call this capability, let us treat functions as variables, enabling us to pass them as arguments to other functions. Let’s explore how to use functions as parameters in Kotlin.

Let’s dive into how this accomplished and explore its practical applications.

Passing Functions as Parameters in Kotlin Made Easy

Understanding Higher-Order Functions in Kotlin

Kotlin’s support for higher-order functions allows you to pass functions as parameters to other functions. This concept follows the functional programming paradigm, which treats functions as first-class citizens. This means you can manipulate functions – pass them as parameters, return them from other functions, store them in variables, and more.

Passing Functions as Parameters in Kotlin

To pass a function as a parameter in Kotlin, start by defining a higher-order function that takes another function as an argument. Let’s create a simple example to illustrate this concept:

fun executeOp(id: Int, operations: () -> Unit)
  println("My ID is : $id")

In this example, executeOp is a higher-order function that accepts another functions as parameter. The parameter operations is of type Unit representing a function that takes no arguments and return nothing(Unit in Kotlin signifies no meaningful return value).

Program (complete code)

fun main() {

executeOp(id = 56,::operations)


fun operations()

   println("Hello I am from operations")


fun executeOp(id: Int, operations: () -> Unit)

  println("My ID is : $id")



My ID is : 56
Hello I am from operations

Here ::operations is used to reference the operations function correctly when passing it as an argument to executeOp.

executeOp(56, ::operations) calls executeOp with the Integer ’56’ as the id parameter ad pass the operations function as the operations argument.

Sum of two numbers using a function as a parameter in Kotlin (Example)

fun main() {

   val result = executeSum(::sum)

fun sum(number1: Int, number2: Int) : Int
  return number1+number2

fun executeSum(sum: (Int, Int) -> Int) : Int
   val num1 = 45
   val num2 = 56
   return (sum(num1, num2))

Output :


How can I pass values from the main() function? Is it possible?

Let’s pass values from the main() function:

Open the Kotlin Playground and write the following code:

fun main() {
    val result = executeSum(::sum, 50, 10)
    println("Result : $result")

fun sum(number1: Int, number2: Int): Int {
    return number1 + number2

fun executeSum(sum: (Int, Int) -> Int, num1: Int, num2: Int): Int {
    return sum(num1, num2)


Result : 60

Utilizing Contextual Function Execution in Kotlin

Utilizing the this Keyword

When passing functions as parameters, the this keyword retains its context within the function.

class MathOperations {
 fun add(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a + b
 fun sub(a:Int, b:Int): Int = a - b
 fun mul(a:Int, b:Int): Int = a * b
fun execute(operation: MathOperations.(Int, Int) -> Int, x: Int, y: Int) {
    val result = this.operation(x, y)
    println("Result: $result")

fun main() {
val math = MathOperations()
math.execute(MathOperations::add, 5, 3)
math.execute(MathOperations::sub, 5,2)
math.execute(MathOperations::mul, 6,2)

Result: 8
Result: 3
Result: 12

In this example, execute is a function within the MathOperations class. It takes a function (operation) that operates on two integers and returns an integer. Notice the usage of this.operation(x, y)—here, this refers to the instance of MathOperations, allowing the passed function (operation) to be executed within the class context.

In this main() function, we create an instance of MathOperations and invoke the execute function, passing add, sub, and mul functions as parameters. The :: syntax is used to reference member functions (add, sub, mul) as function literals.


Passing functions as parameters in Kotlin, utilizing higher-order functions, enables dynamic behavior and fosters code reusability. Additionally, the ‘this’ keyword preserves context, enabling the execution of functions within specific class contexts when used as arguments. As you begin experimenting with passing functions as parameters, you can significantly enhance the flexibility and functionality of your Kotlin code.

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