Read JSON files From Android Assets Folder using Kotlin
In this Android Kotlin tutorial, we will explore how to read JSON files from Android assets folder? Create new Android Kotlin Project in Android Studio (Flamingo) Add the following...
In this Android Kotlin tutorial, we will explore how to read JSON files from Android assets folder? Create new Android Kotlin Project in Android Studio (Flamingo) Add the following...
Sealed classes offer a means to control inheritance by limiting its scope. When you designate a class as sealed, it becomes eligible for subclassing solely within the confines of...
Kotlin has many modern language features, and one of the key features is its dynamic type, which helps to handle variables with different types or when the actual type...
The Kotlin standard library function ‘let’ serves two essential purposes: scoping and null-checks. When invoked on an object, ‘let’ triggers the execution of a specified block of code and...
The generic functions allow developers to write reusable, type-safe code, enhancing maintainability and reducing redundancy in their projects. In this Kotlin tutorial, we will explore generic functions in Kotlin...
In this Kotlin tutorial, we’ll delve into the world of inheritance, exploring its benefits and learning how to harness its potential in crafting clean and effective code. Inheritance lets...
The Companion Objects in Kotlin offer more than just Singleton functionality. In this Kotlin tutorial, We will explore the power packed features of Kotlin Companion Object. Understanding Companion Objects...
In this Kotlin tutorial, we will explore the power and flexibility of enum classes in Kotlin and how they can contribute to writing cleaner and more reliable code. Understanding...
A set is a collection without a defined order and does not allow duplicate elements. To create sets, you can use the functions setOf() and mutableSetOf(). Let’s explore the...
HashMap is a collection class in Kotlin that provides a key-value pair data structure. It implements the Map interface and allows storing and retrieving elements based on unique keys....