Kotlin List Tutorial : Create, Iterate and Apply Filters

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One of Kotlin’s most powerful features is its support for collections, including the versatile Kotlin List.

What is a Kotlin List?

In Kotlin, a List is an ordered collection that can contain duplicate elements. It is a read-only interface that provides an array-like structure and offers numerous utility functions to manipulate and retrieve data. Lists in Kotlin are mutable (modifiable) or immutable (read-only), depending on the type of List implementation used.

Kotlin List Tutorial : Create, Iterate and Apply Filters

How to create a List ?

Let’s create an immutable list using listOf()

val vegetable = listOf("Cabbage","Tomato","Bitter Gourd")


fun main()
    val vegetable = listOf("Cabbage","Tomato","Bitter Gourd")


[Cabbage, Tomato, Bitter Gourd]

Iterate immutable list using for loop:

fun main()
    val vegetable = listOf("Cabbage","Tomato","Bitter Gourd")
    for (veg in vegetable)


Bitter Gourd

Iterate immutable list using forEach:

fun main()
    val vegetable = listOf("Cabbage","Tomato","Bitter Gourd")

    vegetable.forEach {
        veg -> println(veg)

Print all elements using joinToString() function:

Open Kotlin Play ground and write the following code:

fun main()
    val vegetable = listOf("Cabbage","Tomato","Bitter Gourd")



Cabbage, Tomato, Bitter Gourd

How to access the first and last elements of an immutable list?

fun main()
    val vegetable = listOf("Cabbage","Tomato","Spinach","Bitter Gourd")
    //access the last element
    val lastItem = vegetable.last()
    println("Last item : $lastItem")
    // access the element at first
    val firstItem  = vegetable.first()
    println("First item : $firstItem")


Last item : Bitter Gourd
First item : Cabbage

Is there any way to access the middle item?

    // access the middle item
    val size = vegetable.size / 2
    val middleItem = vegetable[size]
    println("Middle item: $middleItem")


Middle item: Spinach

How to apply filter on immutable list ?

fun main()
val vegetable = listOf("Cabbage","Tomato","Bitter Gourd")
val newVeg = vegetable.filter { it == "Tomato" }
println(newVeg)   // prints [Tomato]


Let’s create a mutable list using mutableListOf():

 var os = mutableListOf("Android", "iOS", "Linux")

Add elements to a mutable list using add, addAll():

fun main()
    var os = mutableListOf("Android", "iOS", "Linux")
    os.add("Solaris") //adds a single element 



[Android, iOS, Linux, Solaris]

Add multiple items to a mutable list using addAll():

  os.addAll(listOf("tvOS", "iPadOS","Tizen"))

[Android, iOS, Linux, Solaris, tvOS, iPadOS, Tizen]

How to access the last and first elements of a mutable list ?

  //access the first element
    val first = os.first()
    println("First : $first")
    //access the last element
    val last = os.last()
    println("Last : $last")
First : Android
Last : Linux

Remove a single item from a mutable list

fun main()
  var os = mutableListOf("Android", "iOS", "Linux")
  //remove  a single item
[iOS, Linux]

Remove item at a specific position:

 //remove item at a specific position



fun main()
var os = mutableListOf("Android", "iOS", "Linux")  
os.removeAll(listOf("Android", "iOS"))

Let’s iterate using for and forEach :

    for (name in os)

        item ->

If you don’t need to modify the list after creation, use immutable lists (e.g., listOf) as they offer better performance and immutability guarantees.

Kotlin Lists are an indispensable tool for every Kotlin developer. Their versatility, combined with Kotlin’s expressive syntax, empowers developers to handle collections of data effectively. By understanding the common operations and adopting best practices, you can leverage the full potential of Kotlin Lists in your projects, resulting in more maintainable and efficient code.

Kotlin Lists maintain the order of elements as they are inserted, providing a predictable sequence. This ensures that elements are retrieved in the same order as they were added, which is crucial for scenarios where element order matters.

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