Kotlin Null Safety : How to Eliminate NPEs ?

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Null pointer exceptions (NPEs) have long plagued developers, causing unexpected crashes and bugs in software applications. Kotlin, a modern programming language developed by JetBrains, introduced a groundbreaking feature called “null safety.”

Null Pointer Exceptions (NPEs)

Null references have been a notorious source of bugs in programming languages like Java. When a variable is declared but not assigned a value, or when a method returns null, accessing that variable or invoking methods on it can lead to NPEs.

These runtime errors occur when a program tries to access or manipulate an object that doesn’t exist, resulting in unexpected crashes and erratic behaviour.

Kotlin Null Safety : How to Eliminate NPEs ?

Introducing Kotlin Null Safety

The null safety addresses the problem of NPEs by building the concept of nullability directly into the type system. It introduces two types: nullable and non-nullable types.

In Kotlin, a type is nullable if it can hold a null value, and non-nullable if it cannot. The compiler enforces strict nullability rules, requiring developers to handle null cases explicitly.

Declaring Nullable Types

To declare a nullable type in Kotlin, you simply append a question mark (?) to the type declaration. For example, String? declares a nullable string type.

By explicitly indicating nullability, Kotlin forces developers to handle the possibility of null values, promoting safer programming practices.

Consider the following example

fun main() {

    var name:String = "Nikky"
    name = "Aswin" 
    println(name) // prints Aswin

The above program will print the name ‘Aswin’ on playground or IntelliJ IDEA console.

Let’s make some changes to the above program.

fun main() {

    var name:String = "Nikky"
    name = null

name = null

You will get an error message as below:

Null can not be a value of a non-null type String

Why ? Why ?

In Kotlin, variables that are not explicitly declared as nullable cannot hold null values. When you declare the variable ‘name’ as var name: String = “Nikky”, you are explicitly stating that name can only hold non-null String values.

However, in the next line name = null, you are assigning a null value to the name variable, which contradicts its non-null type declaration. This violates Kotlin’s null safety rules, and the compiler will flag it as an error.

To fix this issue

fun main() {

  var name: String? = "Nikky"
name = null


By adding a question mark (?) after the type declaration, var name: String? makes name a nullable String. Now, assigning null to name is valid.

Kotlin Non-Null Assertion Operator

fun main() {
    var name: String? = "Nikky"
    if (name != null) {



We need to ensure that the variable is not null. We use an if statement to check if name is not null before applying the non-null assertion operator (!!). If name is null, the code inside the if block will not execute, and therefore, the non-null assertion operator won’t be triggered. This prevents the NullPointerException.

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