Text in Jetpack Compose : Styling, Alignment and Overflow

Home » Jetpack Compose » Text in Jetpack Compose : Styling, Alignment and Overflow

Creating text in Jetpack Compose is a super easy task. Text() is a composable element that can display text in our app. Text is a fundamental element in app design and serves a critical role in communication and user experience. Textual content conveys information, instructions, and messages to app users.

It serves as the primary means of communication between the app and the user, helping users understand, navigate, and interact with the app’s features. Clarity and usability: Well-crafted text ensures clarity and usability in the app. It provides context, explains functionality, and guides users through the app’s interface.

Text in Jetpack Compose : Styling, Alignment and Overflow

Clear and concise text enhances the user’s ability to achieve their goals within the app. Sounds good? Let’s give it a try.

 Text("Simple Text Example : Jetpack Compose!")

Create an Android Studio Jetpack Compose project and write a composable function as below:

fun TextExample()
   Text("Simple Text Example : Jetpack Compose!")


package com.bigknol.todolistapp

import android.os.Bundle
import androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
import androidx.activity.compose.setContent
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.fillMaxSize
import androidx.compose.material3.MaterialTheme
import androidx.compose.material3.Surface
import androidx.compose.material3.Text

import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.tooling.preview.Preview

import com.bigknol.todolistapp.ui.theme.ExampleTheme

class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        setContent {
            ExampleTheme {
                // A surface container using the 'background' color from the theme
                    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
                    color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.background
                ) {

fun TextExample()
   Text("Simple Text Example : Jetpack Compose!")

@Preview(showBackground = true, showSystemUi = true,)
fun GreetingPreview() {
    ExampleTheme {
Text in Jetpack Compose : Clickable Composable  Text

Change Color of Text in Jetpack Compose

Text Styling in Compose

Easily style your text by using the ‘style‘ parameter. You can modify text appearance with properties like fontSize, fontWeight, color, textAlign, and TextDecoration.

Let’s change color of our text to red.

fun TextExample()
   Text("Simple Text Example : Jetpack Compose!", style = TextStyle(color = Color.Red))

Text Size and Bold Text

fun TextExample()
   Text("Simple Text Example : Jetpack Compose!", style = TextStyle(color = Color.Red, 
fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold, fontSize = 25.sp))


Bold Text in Compose App

Compose’s Strikethrough Text:

fun TextExample()
   Text("Simple Text Example : Jetpack Compose!", style = TextStyle(color = Color.Red, 
fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold, 
fontSize = 25.sp, textDecoration = TextDecoration.LineThrough ))


Strikethrough text in compose app

Underline text in jetpack compose

Sometimes, we want to underline our text, so we use the textDecoration parameter and set it to TextDecoration.Underline.

fun TextExample()
   Text("Simple Text Example : Jetpack Compose!", style = TextStyle(color = Color.Red, 
fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold, 
fontSize = 25.sp, 
textDecoration = TextDecoration.Underline ))


Underline text in jetpack compose

Text Alignment in Compose

We can align text with ‘textAlign‘ property. Options include ‘Start’, ‘End’, ‘Center’ and Justify.

Text("Simple Text Example : Jetpack Compose!",
           textAlign = TextAlign.Center)

fun TextExample()
   Text("Simple Text Example : Jetpack Compose!",
           textAlign = TextAlign.Center,
           style = TextStyle(color = Color.Red,
           fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,
           fontSize = 15.sp,))


align text centre in Jetpack Compose

Text Alignment (Start)

fun TextExample()
   Text("Simple Text Example : Jetpack Compose!",
           textAlign = TextAlign.Start,
           style = TextStyle(color = Color.Red,
           fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,
           fontSize = 15.sp,))


text alignment start jetpack compose

Text Alignment (End)

fun TextExample()
   Text("Simple Text Example : Jetpack Compose!",
           textAlign = TextAlign.End,
           style = TextStyle(color = Color.Red,
           fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,
           fontSize = 15.sp,))


text align end compose example

Text Alignment (Justify)

fun TextExample()
   Text("Simple Text Example : Jetpack Compose!",
           textAlign = TextAlign.Justify,
           style = TextStyle(color = Color.Red,
           fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,
           fontSize = 15.sp,))


Compose Text Max lines and Overflow

Handle text overflow with the overflow property. Common values are Ellipsis and Clip. For instance:

fun TextExample()
   Text("Simple Text Example : Jetpack Compose! I am a long text Swagatham!",
       maxLines =1, overflow = TextOverflow.Ellipsis,
       style = TextStyle(color = Color.Red,
           fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,
           fontSize = 15.sp,))


overflow text

Text Multiline

To display multiline text, set maxLines to control the number of visible lines:

fun TextExample()
   Text("Simple Text Example : Jetpack Compose! I am a long text Swagatham!",
       maxLines =3, overflow = TextOverflow.Ellipsis,
       style = TextStyle(color = Color.Red,
           fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,
           fontSize = 15.sp,))


maxLines in compose

Compose offers versatile tools to work with text in Android app development. By following this tutorial, you can create stylish and interactive text elements to enhance your app’s user experience. Experiment with these features and elevate your app’s text presentation.

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